Friday, April 28, 2006

Rain, Umbrellas and Expectation....

There's a lot to be said for expectation. In the church world we call it FAITH... Knowing that God is going to do something even when the things we're looking at say otherwise. As you might know it's been really dry here in Southwest Missouri, NW Arkansas, NE Oklahoma. A couple of weeks ago I preached a message concerning the lost expectation of the church. I said if we really expected God to come down in our church today we would be doing certain things to get ready and show we truly are expecting God to move, that we aren't doing. Just like if we were really expecting it to rain we would carry our umbrellas around with us knowing that at anytime we could need them. BECAUSE WE WERE EXPECTING RAIN. To reiterate my point last Sunday I brought my umbrella to church sat it against the pulpit. I just commented, "I guess everyone knows what I'm expecting?" Well I won't take credit but expectation (faith) produces... It rained last Sunday afternoon almost as soon as church was over. It rained close to 3 inches in our area the next day and has been raining today and is suppose to rain hard for the next several days. Thank you LORD.... I believe I'll just carry my umbrella a little more often. And do a few other things in some other areas that will show God I'M EXPECTING.....

Monday, April 17, 2006

Sunrise Service, Easter And Family

Unlike my good friend Jerry I'm not an exceptionally big fan of Sunrise services. Maybe it's because I'm not a big fan of getting up at 5 in the morning to get ready to go to church. Not that I don't like the actual service, it's just the getting up so blasted early. After 21 consecutive here in SWC I've kind of gotten use to it. It's the Resurrection Celebration and Worship time that I really enjoy. I will say this quoting one of my church members, "I don't understand why we make such a big deal about Easter Sunday, when every Sunday should be just as big a deal." SO TRUE.... The fact that we had one saved made it an even better Sunday. Plus the time spent with family during the afternoon was good. Life seems to be rushing by and time spent with family and friends are that much more special and needed to keep life in perspective. Until next time...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The World of Blog

The world of blog.... I guess I am now a member. My friend Jerry inspired me... If he can blog I can blog. Don't know what I'll blog about yet, but I'll come up with something. Probably lot's about God, Golf and just life in general, makes sense. Under the category of life it's been busy, but this time of year usually is. Easter, camp preparation, kids playing golf at the high school and college level. Lot's of involvements. But that's what makes life worth the living. And good friends of course...