Saturday, May 26, 2007

A New Post for Nicole

Well Nicole has shamed me into posting a new entry. Though no one reads these I'm sure, I'll go ahead and post a few meaningless thoughts that who knows who will even read. It's been an eventful winter into spring. The big Ice Storm nearly wore us out. Beau and I cut, raked, gathered, and burned tree limbs and debris for nearly two months. NO FUN.... Then just about the time we finished at home we headed to the camp grounds to rake, gather and burn limbs and leaves there. NO FUN... Kind of like painting, if I ever rake again it will be too soon. Camp is indeed coming, in fact in just two short weeks we will have our 40th year of camp at Wyandotte. Just being honest and that's what you want isn't it, honesty.... I have had a really hard time getting excited about camp this year. It's not the hard work that goes into getting everything ready because honestly I probably haven't worked as hard myself this year as I have in the past. Mentally and physically I just haven't had it in me so far this year. Getting older and having such a full plate hasn't helped. Losing both of Lisa's parents has taken a lot more out of us than anyone can realize I guess. We are on the downhill side of taking care of all of their affairs, but it's just been a really emotional and difficult first part of the year on top of what was a REALLY difficult 2006. As a pastor that gives out and gives out sometimes you run up against a wall and don't feel like you have much left. I guess I've hit that wall. And my interest in youth camp is on the short end of the stick.
But we'll have a good camp and lot's of kids will recieve a touch from the Lord and we'll look back and it will have been worth all the time and effort expended. Things are going to be a little different this year. We have someone new leading our worship. And for the first time ever we'll have one speaker during our evening services Senior week. Is will be different but I'm sure it will be really good.. Just a lot of loose ends to tie up before we get started in two weeks. Two weeks... Man... I'll report back after camp. For you Nicole--- a new post....