Monday, July 17, 2006

Been Awhile

Well it's been over two months since I posted so I guess I'll write down some things and play catch up. Of course June was all about camp. We had two really good weeks, although our regular help (Koolaid girl) was pre-occupied with her new found interest in life (Stan the MAN) and it just didn't seem like things in that area ran very smoothly. Funny how things that were important to you (the traditions etc. of camp) can be laid aside so quickly and easily in light of new interests and pursuits... Ha.... Still had two great weeks all in all. Lot's of kids saved, filled and called, which is what it's still all about.

This month has been about some down time. Something it seems like we haven't had a whole lot of the past couple years. I still am having a really difficult time knowing how to relax. I know most people wouldn't understand this but as a pastor for now over 26 years, I just don't know how to relax. It's that on call 24 hours a day no matter where you are thing that gets so embedded in you that you just can't turn it off. And trust me I've tried. I just can't get my mind to shut off things. Wherever I am I'm thinking about someone or something that's church related. Maybe that's why I stay half worn out most of the time, even on vacation.

We had a good visit in Indiana with some friends. Of course they're pastors so I got backdoored into preaching their midweek service. So much for time off. Ha... But the opportunity and offering were both appreciated very much. Then a few days at the in-laws which is really no vacation, but needful. The last few days have just been here at home and a couple days at a hotel in Joplin with a pool. That was nice. One more trip and we'll call it a month.

Jana, if you happen to read this, I missed your not getting to camp. Looked forward to meeting you. Maybe down the road. Possibly at a wedding or some other occasion like that? Well besides two sons having surgeries during May and a few funerals in between that's been the last two months. Hope everyone is doing well. Jerry, we did good in the kitchen again. Maybe our best effort so far. That Jerry & Mark's (Diner) is looking better all the time. Ha...


Blogger Coley said...

It's about time you started blogging again! I was getting ready to call you about it!

And for the record, the Kool-aid survived camp fine without me!

Oh, and I don't think that Mark & Jerry's Diner will take off, unless you learn to cook something besides pancakes and eggs!

5:50 PM  
Blogger Mark Short said...

What about your Dad? He's stopped blogging too. I keep waiting for his return or some comments or something, but nothing... And you're just egging out on the kool-aid thing. Before this year NO ONE could ever make it as good as you. All you had to do was ASK YOU... But like I said things change. And I guess our eggs and pancakes were good enough for 200-300 people every week we cook. But I forgot you don't like pancakes that aren't so light their hardly cooked and you don't like my omelets. So based on that I think we could open a diner and do really well.

8:06 PM  

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